Adventures with AI writing tools — Let’s write a novel!

Dave Briggs
3 min readApr 4, 2021

So, I’ve signed up to a fun little AI writing tool, and I’m going to use it write a novel here on Medium. The idea, is that I’ll add about 1000 words every day to the novel, and that the content will be generated by AI.

I’ll have to start with some information to feed the AI first though. The first, is I will tell it what I am after. This is what I came up with as a basic instruction for the AI tool:

“I want to write a novel using the AI writing tool. This will be a silly Sci-Fi book, which sometimes includes elements of fantasy. There will be spaceships, dragons, knights in armour, wizards, ray guns, and little green aliens. The main character’s name is Max Thunderstorm, and he has a spaceship called the Glistening Arrow.”

This looks like a Max Thunderstorm spaceship to me!

As you can see, the idea is to make this as ridiculous as possible!

The next step was to come up with a title for the book. I let the AI generate a series of titles for me, which were:

  • The Adventures of Max Thunderstorm: Sci-Fi Novel with Dragons, Spaceships and Knights
  • The Adventures of Max Thunderstorm: Sci-Fi Lit
  • My funny Sci-Fi book with spaceships, dragons, knights in armour
  • An AI-written Sci-Fi Novel
  • Max Thunderstorm and the Glistening Arrow: A Sci-Fi Novel
  • An AI-written Sci-Fi Novel: Spaceships, Dragons and Max Thunderstorm
  • The Glistening Arrow: A New Sci-Fi Book Series by Max Thunderstorm
  • Max Thunderstorm, Wizard of the Galaxy

I liked the idea of a few of them, but it’s got to be the last one! So, the title of the novel will be: Max Thunderstorm, Wizard of the Galaxy!

I then have the choice of writing my own intro paragraph, but I let the AI generate some ideas. This is what it came up with:

Idea 1: Max Thunderstorm, Wizard of the Galaxy is a Sci-Fi novel written by an AI. The main character’s name is Max Thunderstorm and he has a spaceship called the Glistening Arrow. When Max was just a baby, his home planet was destroyed in a war with evil wizards from Planet Zarg.

Idea 2: Max Thunderstorm, Wizard of the Galaxy. Max was a wizard from another planet who had come to Earth with the express purpose of destroying it and all its inhabitants. His spaceship, The Glistening Arrow, lay in wait somewhere on Earth for him to find it and use its power against humanity. He walked among us as if he were one of us but secretly plotting our demise.

I love the sound of idea number 2!

I could tidy it up of course, but I think the idea of this little experiment is to do as little editing as possible.

The total time to create this post is just half an hour, so that’s the maximum amount of time I’ll put into it per day.

So, we have —

Max Thunderstorm, Wizard of the Galaxy

Max Thunderstorm, Wizard of the Galaxy. Max was a wizard from another planet who had come to Earth with the express purpose of destroying it and all its inhabitants. His spaceship, The Glistening Arrow, lay in wait somewhere on Earth for him to find it and use its power against humanity. He walked among us as if he were one of us but secretly plotting our demise.

Now I need to think how I’m going to keep a copy of the novel, and also run a parallel medium like this one explaining my process.

I’ll have a think about it tonight. That’s all for now!



Dave Briggs

Cycled from Alaska to Argentina, England to South Africa, and Greece to England. Now playing around with AI.